Dust Off Your Dancing Shoes

Take a Lesson with Rob Glover

Check out MTB FLX online or download it from the app store.

Visit the app store to download HERE to your mobile device or on your computer at MTB Here

Given the nature of the season, you’ll most likely be invited to a party that involves dancing. Holiday music is sure to put an extra skip in your step with upbeat tempos and light-hearted lyrics. Before those parties roll around, sign up for dance lessons so you can feel confident performing flashy spins on New Year’s Eve or an intimate two-step with your sweetheart.

There has never been a better time for dance lessons. Sign up for a group class with our Director of Movement, Rob Glover, or schedule a private lesson. Our Movement Program is fully customizable to align with your goals, and most importantly, loads of fun.

To sign up or learn more, email Rob Glover at robglover@me.com.

Check out MTB FLX online or download it from the app store.

Visit the app store to download HERE to your mobile device or on your computer at MTB Here