The “New Year, New You” Mindset
Tips from the FLX Wellness Team
December 2019 _____
New year, new you! While this saying has become a bit cliché, the new year mindset is something we celebrate year-round at FLX Wellness. Of course, everyone’s wellness goal is different. Some may want to improve balance and flexibility, while others want to build lean strength and lose weight. Whatever your individual goal is, the FLX Wellness team is here to challenge you and help you realize the “new,” improved you.
Check out a few quick tips on how to embrace the “new you” mentality and keep the momentum going all year:
Warm Up
Warming up before exercise will prepare your body for more advanced movements, help you achieve peak performance, and prevent injuries. A recommended warm up includes a soft tissue release (i.e. foam rolling/active release), mobility and stability exercises, followed by dynamic stretches and movement.
Functional Strength
Functional strength is essential for movement. You already perform a basic squat multiple times a day to sit down or stand up. Building functional strength is key to going about your daily life and our FLX Wellness experts can assist you in activating and engaging your muscles.
Energy System Development (ESD)
ESD replaces the terminology “cardio.” ESD improves the body’s ability to generate and use energy for high-intensity work on any piece of cardiovascular equipment. Our ESD coach, an elite marathoner herself, can help you create a custom program that encompasses both aerobic (steady-state) and anaerobic (interval/speed) work.
Recovery is more than just a 3-minute stretch post workout. Recovery is the process of recharging and refueling through sleep, passive and active stretching, therapeutic modalities, and manual therapy. The FLX wellness team can help aid in your recovery offering hypervolt massage, cupping, and bodywork with our team of athletic trainers.
Proper Hydration
Hydration is so important! No matter what your goals are, tracking your hydration level is a great way to start your wellness program. We recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces. That means if you weigh 135 lbs., you should be drinking 68 ounces of water each day.
Listen to Your Body – and Your Trainer
If you’re not used to working out every day, be mindful of your increase in activity. Keep your long-term goals in mind and take it one day at a time. Our team is here to help!
To learn more about the FLX Wellness offerings, contact AnneAlise Bonistalli at or 617-997-2693.